CoSort GUI

Job Design, Modification, and Execution

Job wizards, form dialogs, and syntax-aware script editing


The IRI Workbench leverages several different job presentation facilities within Eclipse to make the design and modification of IRI CoSort SortCL jobs easier.


The GUI interacts with the scripts dynamically and interchangeably so you can define any workflow you want, any time.


New job wizards can take you from source and metadata specification, through the action phase of a job, and the specification of one or more targets and formats. Wizards and form dialogs help populate and modify SortCL job scripts. The GUI's syntax-aware script editor also supports valid job creation and change.


The top window in the figure below shows the editor view of a join job script.  Invoke the join wizard (shown in the bottom left) from the main menu or from the script editor. Specify the details of a multi-source join. Data sources (shown in upper tabs) and targets (shown in lower tabs) are displayed in the output field editor. Easily define data mapping and precise target layout definitions on the fly.

Once your job is completed, the script can be run inside or outside the GUI. See:

Products > Workbench > Design & Run Jobs

Services > Training' > Courseware > Workbench