Why Voracity Is Better

Consider Key Advantages and Differentiators



The high cost of megavendor data integration platforms and Hadoop distributions overwhelms analytic project budgets and outstrips their ROI. Their 6 and 7-figure costs and disparate components that do not seamlessly interact, prevent many companies (especially SMBs) from managing their disparate data efficiently, or at all.

Save Money While You Simplify

Voracity eliminates multi-tool complexity and relaxes budgets with long-proven technology that requires no new hardware, steep onboarding costs, or long-term consulting. Its subscription pricing is low, and an affordable operating (not capital) expense. And, a growing bench of lower-overhead service providers can rapidly implement solutions ... so Voracity consulting is just as affordable.

ROI, Not Risk

The same ETL metadata conversion technology that facilitates Voracity adoptions gives you the same way out if you want out. So while IRI software continues to be revolutionary, it's not risky. Still not sure? Ask any of the thousands of CoSort users worldwide how they feel about their stability and savings with IRI software, and about their relationships with IRI representatives.