Data Masking as a Service
We'll Find the PII and Protect It for You
Data may be the most important asset, and risk, that your company holds. It describes customers, products, transaction histories, and everything else that you run and plan in your business. This data can be in databases, files, spreadsheets, Hadoop, and cloud platforms. If you don't have the time or expertise to find and de-identify the personally identifiable information (PII) in those sources yourself, IRI Data Masking as a Service (DMaaS) can help.
9 Billion
Records lost or stolen
5 ½ Million
Records lost every day
64 Records
Lost every second
Since 2013, according to Breach Level Index
Only 4% of these breaches were secure breaches where encrypted data was compromised or stolen.
IRI's Data Masking as a Service can beat even those odds. Our team and technologies can find and protect sensitive data in whatever silos you have ... on premise or in the cloud.

With IRI DMaaS, you can minimize risk and cost because you only pay for the data you need protected. We can do all, or some, of the work to find, classify, and mask that data. And we'll provide your auditors with the logs to verify your data was protected and now complies with privacy laws.
Relax knowing your data is secure. No specialized in-house employees or headaches. Get in touch with us and let's talk about how you'd like to protect your data at risk.
Quick Benefits Overview:
How IRI DMaaS Works
Step 1: We agree under NDA terms to find, classify, analyze, and report on the sensitive, at-risk data in these sources. We'll discuss an initial cost estimate then hone it with you during data discovery.
Step 2: Transfer the unprotected data to a secure on-premise or cloud-based staging area. Then we'll use the tools in the award-winning IRI Data Protector suite to mask your data according to your business rules, and on either a recurring or ad hoc basis.
Step 3: Our experts move your newly-masked data to a non-production environment. From here, the data is safe for your analytic initiatives, development, testing, or training. Tell us if you need additional services, like risk scoring (expert determination) of the de-identified data.
This approach provides the benefits of a proven data masking solution without the need to learn and license a software product from scratch. If you do want to license an in-house copy, you can at a discount, and have everything pre-configured for easier long-term use and modification.
Please initiate a dialog with us, we would be happy to exchange information with and provide options for you.
Risk Scoring Services
Beyond Data Masking as a Service, IRI also offers Risk Scoring as a Service (RSaaS) and training for in-house risk scoring. Freely available is three hour, five-part HIPAA Data SHM/EDM Compliance course covering:
- PHI Discovery & De-Identification
- Re-Identification Risk Scoring
- Expert Determination
- PHI Generalization
- Compliance Certification, Breach Insurance, and Breach Claim Defense
Please initiate a dialog with us, we would be happy to exchange information with and provide options for you.
Test Data Services
Finally, IRI can provide Test Data as a Service (TDaaS) by providing you with safe, referentially correct test sets for relational databases of any size, as well as custom-formatted structured and semi-structured files with test data. Just send us the DDL or layout information for the data you need, along with any complex business rules, and we will engage in a service by the hour to produce that data for your:
- DB, Data Warehouse, and Data Vault prototypes
- Application stress-testing and DevOps
- Software or hardware benchmarks
- Product demonstrations
- Outsourced developers
Please initiate a dialog with us, we would be happy to exchange information with and provide options for you.