IRI Data Manager Suite


Integrate, Federate, Migrate, Populate, Accelerate

Centralize and Accelerate Data Delivery


The IRI Data Manager suite from IRI, The CoSort Company*, comes with you all the tools you need for faster data manipulation and movement.

"Big" Data Manipulation:
CoSort makes light work of data processing "heavy lifts" in DW ETL, DB loads, sort/merge offload, reporting, blending, etc.

For further information click here.

Parallel DB Unloading:
FACT is the only tool you need for fast extraction of very large databases (VLDB), unloading for ETL, reorg, and archive.

For further information click here.

Conversion and Replication:
NextForm performs and speeds file and table migration, DB replication, data re-formatting, and data federation.

For further information click here.

Realistic Test Data:
RowGen generates structurally and referentially correct test data in tables, files, and reports.

For further information click here.

Use Cases

The IRI Data Manager suite's constituent products address:

Fast Big Data Manipulation | Outlook Series Listen Now

Flexible and Affordable Licensing


Licensing costs depend on which of the tools you need and the hardware on which they run.


Note that the SortCL program in CoSort is the parent technology for NextForm and RowGen, so you do not need to license it separately if you already have CoSort or the IRI Voracity platform.All licenses include free use of IRI Workbench, the graphical job design IDE supporting all IRI Data Manager, and most IRI Data Protector, suite products.


Similarly, the current SortCL executable will run IRI FieldShield jobs. This means you do not have to license the IRI Data Protector suite separately if you use Voracity or CoSort and the IRI Workbench and need production data masking. However, there may be some additional support factors depending on the complexity of your requirements.


* Founded 1978, IRI, The CoSort Company (, is renown for fast data management and data-centric protection. We are NOT, the Chicago-based CPG data company for Advantage, PlusSuite or Xlerate.