Expert Certification
Get Authorized to Consult and Teach
When you have attained a level of expertise in the use of IRI software -- through either on-the-job experience or an authorized training course -- you have likely qualified for an official certification letter suitable for authorized consulting engagements, IT training centers (instructor credentials), and job applications (resumes).
Within the tabs in this section, you will find the various levels of expert certifications that IRI can award. However, the cost of each certificate does not include the training or validation services necessary to archive certification. For information on training from IRI or an IRI-certified instructor in your location, click here.
Validation examinations are on a time and materials review basis, and depend on the complexity and volume of content involved. They should not exceed USD $500. Thus, the more you learn, and prove (with documentation) on your own, the less expensive certifications become. Contact us to submit proficiency documentation.
Please request more information below if you are interested in becoming a certified expert in IRI software.