IRI Products
Fast Data Management and Data-Centric Protection
Essential data management insfrastructure for sources big and small. Rapidly discover, integrate, migrate, govern, and analyze static and streaming data on premise or in the cloud from Eclipse, and exploit the proven performance of CoSort or Hadoop engines. Voracity includes most Data Manager and Protector Suite products below.
Safe, intelligent test data from scratch. Create and populate huge, realistic and referentially correct DB, file and report targets using auto-discovered metadata. Prototype ETL and DataVault jobs, safeguard DevOps, or demo and stress-test apps, without production data.
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Rely on proven, secure expert IRI data masking engineers or certified partners like Capgemini to classify, discovery, and de-identify sensitive data throughout your enterprise. We'll do this work under compliant and monitored conditions so you don't have to.
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The free and familiar graphical IDE for the IRI product line built on Eclipse™. Get all the data and metadata management facilities you need to design, deploy, and manage IRI (and other!) jobs -- for all the big and small data sources you have -- in a single pane of glass.