Database Migration Solutions


Move and Map Sources to Targets

In addition to the data migration tools from IRI that convert data types, record layouts, and file formats, IRI database migration tools can help you convert data in one database to another. See this list of supported DB (and related) sources.


You can migrate data in one database to another through simple job wizards or scripts in the IRI Workbench graphical IDE, built on Eclipse™. Workbench supports all IRI Voracity data management software and relational database platforms.


So as you review your database upgrade strategies, consider the support in this easy-to-use pane-of-glass for ...


the use of:

in order to:

DB profiler & E-R diagrammer

find intra- and inter-table patterns, values, statistics, and key relationships within multiple databases


view source and target databases in the IRI Workbench's Data Source Explorer (Data Tools Platform)


move data (dump or select, then create/truncate, append, insert/update) between source and target tables directly

IRI FACT (Fast Extract)

rapidly unload source databases in bulk to the file system for faster data movement and manipulation (interchange)

IRI CoSort

filter, transform, remap, and pre-sort table data for ODBC inserts or bulk loads to new targets

IRI NextForm (DBMS edition)

filter, remap, and populate target tables via ODBC with source table data, create new table DDL, and leverage built in SQL editing and execution in the IRI Workbench to facilitate DB migrations (see how-to example)

IRI FieldShield / IRI DarkShield

discover, filter/subset, mask and populate new target tables via ODBC with source table data protected and transformed at the column level using IRI Workbench wizards, dialogs, and transform mapping diagrams to facilitate secure DB migrations and comply with data privacy laws

IRI RowGen

synthesize new table test data in full or part (subsets) based on the target's DDL information to prototype and capacity-plan migrations to the new database

DB loader config files (read/write)

facilitate bulk loads into Oracle, DB2, MySQL, Sybase, SQL Server, and Teradata

SQL query & SQL execution features

Administer any JDBC-connected DB, create new tables, build or leverage query syntax, create new tables with keys and other constraints, and edit and run SQL directly

stored procedures

for real-times data masking, or to auto-engineer legacy SQL programs into Voracity ETL workflows and/or other DBs

The CoSort and NextForm job wizards and workflows in IRI Workbench also support cross-table rule definition and application to facilitate job design and automate mass remapping.

Leverage IRI professional services or expert partners to help you migrate triggers, stored procedures, and applications. Refer to the database acceleration section for prototyping (DB test data), performance optimization, and column-level security considerations.