Big Data Integration

Affordable ETL Accelerators & Alternatives

The Biggest Challenges in Data Integration

Most data integration jobs are performed in legacy ETL or ELT tools that rely on compiled Java programs or inefficient in-DB transforms. Job design and execution time suffers. So do all the downstream queries and applications that depend on those jobs.

Faster E, T & L!

Hundreds of thousands of dollars and many months are spent building and supporting jobs in legacy ETL tools. Multiple users and licenses add up quickly, and dominate project budgets. SMBs are stuck with open source tools that cannot perform.

The Affordable Alternative!

Long consulting contracts are needed to map new and unclean data sets in old ETL tools or bolt on third-party engines to speed them up. Many ETL tools cannot easily discover, trace, govern, or federate data, and their metadata is cryptic or hidden.

5 Simpler Aproaches!

Common Responses and Results

  • Procrastinating - chancing SLA-restricted operations on shrinking production windows
  • Betting - on complex Hadoop programs, NoSQL or columnar DBs, or proprietary ETL appliances
  • Partitioning - transforming data in multiple chunks and stages instead of a single step
  • Open Sourcing - needing more hardware to overcome slow engines
  • Outsourcing - depending on costly BPO tools, talent, and turnover
  • Cloud Sourcing (iPaaS) - adding security and bandwidth concerns to ongoing functional challenges

Real World Solutions


IRI Voracity is an end-to-end data life-cycle management platform that addresses the speed, cost and complexity issues in the data integration market. Use Voracity in greenfield projects, or to accelerate or replace existing ETL tools:

Simplify Job design in an ergonomic Eclipse™ IDE.

Supercharge Your legacy ETL tool without replacing it.

Re-Platform Your overpriced ETL vendor, automatically!
Voracity is not only ideal for fast, affordable ETL operations. It is a future-proof solution stack for multiple data management use cases involving structured, semi-structured, and unstructured sources.

The Voracity Edge

Voracity uniquely combines the seamlessly interchangeable power of IRI CoSort and Hadoop engines with multiple job design and deployment options in Eclipse™. In fact, Voracity has more job design, deployment, and licensing options than any other data integration tool.

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